FDOT District 4, Broward Mobility Projects, Broward County, FL


Client Path Created with Sketch. FDOT District 4
Role Path Created with Sketch. Prime Consultant
Design Complete Path Created with Sketch. Ongoing
Construction Complete Path Created with Sketch. N/A


This complete streets mobility project included three corridors. The largest design effort was dedicated to widen, mill, and resurface SW 56th Avenue to accommodate buffered bicycle lanes. Sidewalk, drainage improvements, ADA ramps, signing and pavement markings, and new signage was also a part of the design.
The other two corridor designs involved restriping SW 62nd Avenue and North 64th Avenue to create shared bicycle lanes and adding sidewalk to fill in gaps along SW 62nd Avenue within the City of Miramar. The key issue of this contract was coordination; Protean coordinated with the City of Hollywood, the City of Miramar, Broward County, Broward County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and FDOT District 4.

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